Which of the following issues relate to your practice right now?
We have too many cancellations and empty slots in the books because of this
Our reception team struggle to find time in between greeting patients to manage call backs
We are behind on accounting tasks and following up debtors to collect payments
Case acceptance and treatment plan compliance is too low
All of the above
How urgent is this?
Very urgent, we need a fix asap
Urgent, should fix in next 30 days
Not so urgent, maybe in next few months
Not urgent, I'm not even sure we need help
Why are you interested in remote staff for your practice?
To handle tasks / answer calls outside of business hours
To manage tasks without distraction of patients visiting
To get tasks done that we struggle to give attention
I'm curious to explore remote staff vs hiring locally
To get best value support at competitive rates
All of the above!
What software do you use?
Dental for Windows
Best Practice
Other (Please specify below)
How did you find out about Clear?
Search Engine
Referred by someone
Saw your posts on social media
Received an email from Clear
Industry Event
Coach / Consultant Recommendation
Extra Comments
First Name