
The correct answer was D.

Unless otherwise changed, the contract term states the buyer is to have insurace by 5pm on the first business day after the date of the contract

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Well done.That is correct.

Unless otherwise changed, the contract term states the buyer is to have insurace by 5pm on the first business day after the date of the contract

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The correct answer is B.

A Form 36 - Notice of No Pool Safety Certifcate can be used in conjunction with the contract when selling a home, however the purchaser must certify the swimming pool within 90 days from date of settlement

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Correct, great work!

A Form 36 - Notice of No Pool Safety Certifcate can be used in conjunction with the contract when selling a home, however the purchaser must certify the swimming pool within 90 days from date of settlement

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Uh oh. Incorrect.

The correct answer is D.

You can put down whatever deposit you want, however I'd recommend at least 2-3% of the purchase price, but at a bare minimum $1,000.

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Correct. Look at you go!

You can put down whatever deposit you want, however I'd recommend at least 2-3% of the purchase price, but at a bare minimum $1,000.

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Dang! Incorrect.

The correct answer is C.

Apps and websites like docusign make signing contracts electronically simple. You can however still use a pen and sign paper.

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Apps and websites like docusign make signing contracts electronically simple. You can however still use a pen and sign paper.

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The correct answer is A.

To stop the winning bidder from not legally signing the contract after winning the bidding, an auctioneer is legally allowed to sign off on behalf of any buyers or sellers who can't be in attendance.

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Beauty! Correct.

To stop the winning bidder from not legally signing the contract after winning the bidding, an auctioneer is legally allowed to sign off on behalf of any buyers or sellers who can't be in attendance.

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Not this time!

The correct answer is B.

A chattel is something that can be removed or added to a property easily. Examples could be curtains, blinds, chandeliers, dishwasher, dryer, and many more. It is important that if there's something the sellers would like to take from the property that it is listed in the contract.

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You're absolutely right!

A chattel is something that can be removed or added to a property easily. Examples could be curtains, blinds, chandeliers, dishwasher, dryer, and many more. It is important that if there's something the sellers would like to take from the property that it is listed in the contract.

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Sorry, you didn't guess that one correctly!

The correct answer is B.

The body corporate disclosure statement tells the new owner the body corporate fees (insurance, sinking fees) and the amound of money in the sinking fund. By signing this, it means you're understanding what has been provided to you.

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You little beauty! Correct.

The body corporate disclosure statement tells the new owner the body corporate fees (insurance, sinking fees) and the amound of money in the sinking fund. By signing this, it means you're understanding what has been provided to you.

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Yeah, that's not right!

The correct answer is B.

Surprisingly, a real estate agent is trusted to do the contract. However, it is usually a templated version from a provider such as REIQ.

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Correct again!

Surprisingly, a real estate agent is trusted to do the contract. However, it is usually a templated version from a provider such as REIQ.

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Incorrect, don't be mean.

The correct answer was B.

You can't evict a tenant unnecessarily, you can offer them an early exit from the lease, however they are still entiitled to stay if they don't want to move just yet.

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Jeez, you're good.

You can't evict a tenant unnecessarily, you can offer them an early exit from the lease, however they are still entiitled to stay if they don't want to move just yet.

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No good. Are you sure you read that question correctly?

The correct answer was C.

An easement is the right to enter or use a section of land for a particular purpose by someone who is not the land owner. The council may need to access a pipe or water main to do repairs, a path to an manhole may also be a right of way for their workers.

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You must have read that correctly! Well done.

An easement is the right to enter or use a section of land for a particular purpose by someone who is not the land owner. The council may need to access a pipe or water main to do repairs, a path to an manhole may also be a right of way for their workers.

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Really?! I thought that was obvious!

The correct answer was B.

A covenant is basically a legal restriction on the owner of a property. As the title (deed) is passed to the new owner, so generally is the covenant. Most covenants are restrictive covenants, in that they restrict the owner from doing something.

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That's right. You'll rarely see it, but good to know.

A covenant is basically a legal restriction on the owner of a property. As the title (deed) is passed to the new owner, so generally is the covenant. Most covenants are restrictive covenants, in that they restrict the owner from doing something.

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